SASS Design Project Created by Paige Madeline Jones 2019

Redesign of a website for the town of White River Junction. This is a portfolio project solely with the use of practicing my skills in CSS/SASS/GULP and the use of grid layout.

Design cred to @jonasschmedtman from Udemy - I completed his advanced CSS and SASS course (about 40 hours long) which I used as the preliminary layout for this project - I have customized every asset, image, font, and color as well as added some javascript to learn as much as possible from this exercise.

    This project helped to cement my skills with:
  • the BEM model
  • SVG's
  • file structure and partials
  • tricks (like hover effects)

  • To initialize build process type into terminal: npm install
  • To start webserver type into terminal: npm run start

  • If you have any additional questions please feel free to reach out